RelativeRanking Since we use two rating numbers for each blaster review (NerfCenter Rating - NCR & TechRating - TR) the following question arises: How do you rank the blasters? How can you tell which blaster is "the best" based upon your ratings? Do you rank by TR or NCR? To solve this problem, the folks at TeamNC have developed a rank system called RelativeRanking. This system basically ranks all of the blasters in a logical order, based upon both TR and NCR. However, the blasters are based upon TR more than NCR so you really can't argue our rankings- they're based mostly upon data, not our personal opinions. Here's how we rank the blasters using RelativeRanking: Remember, we determine TechRating by
using the following formula. More info about TR and NCR can be found on the Reviews Explained . . . page. 1) Find the AR (AbsoluteRating) of each blaster by multiplying each blaster's TR (TechRating) by its NCR (NerfCenterRating).
4) Thus, the RelativeRanking of the blasters in achieved. (See chart above for final ranking.)