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Nerf® Double Crossbow

Review Copyright (c) TeamNC

Weapon Summary


Golden NGolden N

Double Crossbow




1994 / 1999



Avg. Price:




Additional Pics: -None-

Weapon Stats

Ammo Type(s):

6 Missiles

Max. Distance:

51 feet

Optimum Pumps:


Rate of Fire:

1 shot per 4.48 seconds


1' 4.5" X 7" X 9.5" ; 8 oz.
Accuracy (Average Percentage After Multiple Trials)
  Target Size:
Distance From Target: 1 X 2 ' 2 X 4 '
10 ft 85% 100%
15 ft 55% 85%
20 ft 15% 50%
25 ft 5% 35%
Total Accuracy: 40% 68%
Weapon Review:
The Nerf® Double Crossbow is one of the few missile weapons made by Hasbro®. The only good thing about this weapon is the the maximum distance and the amount of ammo it can hold. Because this weapon fires ammo using manual power, the harder you push it the farther the missiles will fly. Also, this weapon holds more missiles that any other Nerf® missile weapon.

The problem with the Double Crossbow is its extremely poor accuracy. This is due to a few simple things. First, the barrels of the gun are made of soft plastic which will bend very easily. Second, because the handle of the gun must be pushed forward to fire, it is hard to steady the weapon when firing. Third, the missiles are not very accurate and tend to fly off-course.

All in all, this gun is not that good and is not worth buying.

-Matt Michal

KEYWORDS:  original, double crossbow, missile, missiles
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