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Nerf® TripleTorch

Review Copyright (c) TeamNC

Weapon Summary


Golden NGolden NGolden NGolden N








Avg. Price:



Mega Blitz / New

Additional Pics: -None-

Weapon Stats

Ammo Type(s):

1 TripleTorchTM Arrow; 3 Micro Darts; 3 Mega Darts

Max. Distance:

23 feet / 24 feet / 40 feet (29 feet average)

Optimum Pumps:


Rate of Fire:

1 shot per 2.21 seconds


6" X 11" X 2.5" ; 5 oz.
Accuracy (Average Percentage After Multiple Trials)
  Target Size: (Arrow / Micro Dart / Mega Dart)
Distance From Target: 1 X 2 ' 2 X 4 '
10 ft 100% / 100% / 100% 100% / 100% / 100%
15 ft 80% / 75% / 95% 100% / 95% / 100%
20 ft 65% / 45% / 75% 100% / 80% / 100%
25 ft N/A / N/A / 55% N/A / N/A / 95%
Total Accuracy: 82% / 73% / 81% 100% / 92% / 99%
Weapon Review:
The Nerf® TripleTorch is the first Nerf® weapon to ever fire three different types of ammo. However, only the micro darts fire well out of the weapon. In fact, the TripleTorch is one of the best all around micro dart weapons. It has both great range and accuracy.

The problem with the TripleTorch is that the other types of ammo don't fire nearly as well as the micro darts. The weapon comes with one arrow that it can barely fire for a range under twenty-five feet. The mega darts don’t fire much better.

Buy the TripleTorch only if you are planning on shooting micro darts exclusively from it.

-Matt Michal

KEYWORDS:  mega blitz new tripletorch triple torch arrow arrows micro dart darts mega dart darts
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