Reviews |
The packaging of
the Nerf Arrow Strike alone may bring some doubts
into your mind about the quality of this blaster:
it refers to this blaster's ammo type as "arrows,"
when indeed the ammo actually looks like a
modified version of the Nerf missile. In
comparison to the missiles themselves, these
"micro arrows" do have smaller fins and
more pointy tips, so the two types of ammo are a
bit different. However, the smaller fins
make the micro arrows even less accurate than
The blaster itself has quite a few problems, as
well. The entire blaster seems to be
developed for smaller hands, since the handle of
the blaster barely accommodates an adult sized
hand. While this handle length may make the
blaster easier to use for younger Nerfers, older
Nerfers may find this blaster difficult to hold.
Also, as mentioned before, the blaster fires
micro arrow ammo, making this blaster horribly
The only redeeming aspects of the Arrow Strike are
the blaster¹s auto-rotating barrel, which allows
you to quickly fire off all three micro arrows,
and the blaster's above-average maximum distance. However, the blaster's inability to hit
anything outweighs these positive features.
While the Arrow Strike might be fun for younger
Nerfers, it is utterly impractical to use in a
Nerf war.
the pass few years nerfers had thought the
missile-firing blaster had become extinct.
It had, thankfully - until now. The foul stench of the missile is now found on
the new Nerf Arrow Strike. However, the
conniving people at Hasbro claim the "missile"
is an arrow. Do not become confused.
The arrows the Arrow Strike uses are missiles,
not arrows. The arrows that it comes with
it look like missiles and work in all the old
missile launchers. Furthermore, old missiles
work with the Arrow Strike. Therefore, for
all practical purposes, they are MISSILES.
With the
understanding that the ammo Arrow Strike uses
missiles, we can associate the general
stereotypes of a missile blaster to the Arrow
Strike. First and foremost, the weapon has
poor accuracy. The ammo is flimsy and
bends easily. That makes it impossible the
find a piece that will fly straight.
Second, because the ammo weights little, it has
a fair range (both maximum distance and parallel
to ground). However, because it has no
accuracy, the range is worthless.
conclusion, the Arrow Strike is a missile blaster. It is a
stereotypical missile blaster. Do not buy
the Arrow Strike.
The Nerf Arrow
Strike is merely Hasbro's attempt to get the
missile ammo type back into
Although the
"micro" arrows and missiles have slight
differences, as noted in Andy's review, they are
in essence the same. So, of course, even the
slightest bend to one of the fins will make the
"micro" arrow hopelessly
inaccurate. You've got to be magical to hit
what you're aiming at with this launcher.
Too add to the mess, the aiming sight on the Arrow
Strike is positioned directly behind the hand
position, so it is near impossible to use.
The blaster does have an automatically rotating
barrel for rapid fire, but that's about it.
An average
blaster - as could be expected as soon as the word
missile was mentioned.