For quite some
time, fans of the original Nerf Ballzooka have
been clamoring for a sequel to this popular
blaster. The Motorized Ballzooka answers these
requests, but takes the original design of the
Ballzooka in a direction which the fans might not
be expecting.
The Motorized
Ballzooka completely redesigns the model
established by the original Ballzooka, retaining
only the features of multiple barrels and ball
ammunition. The new version of the Ballzooka
automates the process of firing the ammunition -
it feeds the Ballistic Balls into two quickly
spinning wheels - but does not automate anything
else. The blaster’s trigger must be pushed for
each ball; it cannot be held down. In addition,
the three barrels of the Motorized Ballzooka
(which each hold 5 balls) must be manually rotated
via a switch on the side of the launcher. Speaking
of switches, Hasbro should have included one more
on the Motorized Ballzooka - one which turned the
motor on and off. Instead, Hasbro included a
button which operates this feature, one which must
be continuously pressed in for the blaster to
operate. This is a needless hassle, one which
makes the blaster more difficult to operate.
Perhaps the
worse feature of the Motorized Ballzooka is the
noise it produces, which rivals not only noisy
blasters like the Nerf Ripsaw, but also noisy
appliances like your hair-drier and vacuum cleaner.
Not only does this loudness give away your
position to your opponents, it also makes the
Motorized Ballzooka very annoying to use.
However, the
Motorized Ballzooka has a few redeeming aspects.
Even with all the manual switches and buttons, the
user can unload all of the blaster’s ammo - all
15 balls - in an insanely short period of time. In
addition, this new version of the Ballzooka trumps
all others in velocity - it propels the ammo it
fires at a very high speed, giving your enemies
very little time to react.
Overall, I would
recommend waiting for the Motorized Ballzooka to
drop in price before purchasing it. This
blaster’s annoying problems limit the worth of
this otherwise powerful blaster.