
NerfCenter Review

Nerf® Switch Shots Max
Switch Shots Max
 Ammo: Mega Darts  NCR: 3.0 | TR: 22.7

Blaster Summary

Averaged NCR  |

  Golden NGolden NGolden N (3.0)

TechRating  |


Release Date  |


Availability  |




Series  |

  Nerf Switch Shots™


1 X 2 ft. Target

@ 10 ft.


@ 15 ft.


@ 20 ft.


@ 25 ft.




2 X 4 ft. Target

@ 10 ft.


@ 15 ft.


@ 20 ft.


@ 25 ft.







Blaster Statistics

Ammo Type(s)  |

  8 Micro Darts

Max. Distance  |

  37 feet

PTG Distance  |

  20 feet

Ammo Velocity  |

  41.4 ft. / sec.

Optimum Pumps  |

  6 pumps

Rate of Fire  |

  1 shot per 2.27 sec.

Dimensions  |

  1' 10.25" X 3.5" X 10.25"
  1 lb. 14 oz.



Place one mega dart in each of the Switch Shots Max’s four yellow barrels. If you are planning on using the water feature of the blaster, unscrew the yellow water tank cap and fill the water tank with clean, clear tap water. Once the water tank is full, screw the water cap back into place.
Pump the blaster four to five times if you are preparing to fire a dart, and five to six times if you are preparing to fire water. We recommend pumping the blaster five times to achieve the maximum distance for the darts, and six times to achieve the maximum distance for the water.

Do not pump the Switch Shots Max more than six times. You can damage the air tank.

Pull the trigger to fire a dart, if the dart barrels are facing forward. Hold down the trigger to fire a stream of water if the water barrel is facing forward. You may rotate the entire top half of the blaster to select which barrel is facing forward.

Written Reviews


Andy Grau
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NerfCenter Rating

The Switch Shots Max completes the Switch Shots series of blasters, filling the role of the heavy hitter of the bunch. Its water firing feature, inherent to all members of the Switch Shots line, provides a good distraction during the summer months. With one priming, the Switch Shots Max holds enough air to spray someone with water, and then blast him with a dart.

Even during the cooler months, the Switch Shots Max’s automatically rotating barrel allows the user to quickly fire off all four darts. Even though the blaster requires priming for each shot, the auto rotating barrel gives the Max an advantage over such products as the SuperMAXX 1500, which make the user rotate their barrels by hand.

If you like the other Switch Shots blasters, or if you would like to incorporate water into your Nerf wars, give the Switch Shots Max a try. You won’t be disappointed.


Matt Michal
Click here to send e-mail to Matt
Click here to see Andi's TeamNC profile
NerfCenter Rating

The Switch Shots Max is nothing more than the weaker counterpart of the Switch Shots Super.

The launcher has less range and accuracy.  It can carry only fraction of the amount of water of Switch Shots Super.  In addition, the launcher is highly impractical because of its large size when compared to the fire power it possesses.

This blaster would be put to better use if it were used to prop up a table.


Andi Hlabse
Click here to send e-mail to Andi
Click here to see Matt's TeamNC profile
NerfCenter Rating

The Switch Shots Max is unique in that it is one of the few Nerf blasters that can also fire a stream of water. The blaster fires mega darts with decent velocity and accuracy. It’s not the best, but it will get the job done in a pinch. Switching modes of fire from water to darts is very easy (just twist the barrel). Water is a great advantage in a Nerf war because it gives you an infinite ammo source. You simply go to the same faucet and refill every time - no hunting for ammo is necessary.

The Switch Shots Max does have a two-fingered trigger, which is a bit awkward compared to the traditional one-fingered triggers. The blaster also become very back heavy when it is in water firing mode. As can be expected because it is a two-ammo-type blaster, there isn’t any room for reload ammo (although the barrel holds four mega darts or for much water. So reloads will be needed fairly often, but the dart firing facet of this blaster will hold you over as you move to reload.

Although the Switch Shots Max adds a new dimension to Nerf wars by utilizing water, it’s mega dart firing power is marginal at best.


In Brief

>  Fires water and mega darts 
>  One priming for both water and darts
Automatic dart barrel
>  Small water capacity
>  Oversized for its power
The Switch Shots Max adds the creative new dimension of water to Nerf wars and is decent as a pure dart laucher.
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