
Link to NerfCenter
If you would like a way to direct the visitors of your web site to the NerfCenter site, we have an easy solution for you.  Follow the directions below to obtain a small button that links to NerfCenter for use on your site.

Please note that placing this button on your site is not mandatory, even if your site is listed on the Links page.

Please read the following information before using a NerfCenter button:

Limited Permission to Use the NerfCenter Logo:
The NerfCenter logo, found on both of the NerfCenter buttons, is protected by national service mark laws.  The unauthorized modifying, changing, or misrepresenting of the NerfCenter logo will result in appropriate legal action.  Nerf® is a registered trademark of Hasbro®, and is not property of NerfCenter or TeamNC.  The webmaster of any site which displays the NerfCenter buttons must respect the rights of Hasbro®.  The word "official" is not to be used in any way or form with the name NerfCenter on any other web site but this one.

The NerfCenter logo may only appear on another's web site if it is found on an official NerfCenter button, and if the webmaster of that site agrees to the terms and conditions contained in this document.

For other information, please see the legal page.

If you agree to this, continue on.

Download one of the two NerfCenter buttons.  Samples of these two buttons are found below.

Nerf®Center DirectLink Nerf®Center DirectLink

To download, right click on the image and choose "Save image as . . . ."
It is critical that you keep the default file names for these images!


Place the image you have selected on your web site using the proper HTML code below.  Any code marked in red must be customized to the specifics of your site.  Do not change any other part of the code.

For the white logo:

<!-- NerfCenter Button Code 2.0 -->
<A HREF= ""><IMG SRC="images/ncbuttonw.gif" BORDER= 0 ALT="Click to visit NerfCenter" HEIGHT= 35 WIDTH= 100></A>
<!-- End NCBC -->

For the black logo:

<!-- NerfCenter Button Code 2.0 -->
<A HREF= ""><IMG SRC="images/ncbuttonb.gif" BORDER= 0 ALT="Click to visit NerfCenter" HEIGHT= 35 WIDTH= 100></A>
<!-- End NCBC -->


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