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Upcoming Blasters From Larami®

NerfCenter News

Posted On 06/09/2001

Mt. Laurel, NJ -- Larami Limited, the subsidiary of Hasbro® in charge of the Nerf® product line, has unveiled its plans for the fall Nerf season of 2001.

While some of the company's more popular blasters, like the Nerf Blast Fire™, will be making a re-appearance on store shelves this fall, Larami has several new blasters in store for consumers as well.

The two main blasters of the fall lineup are the Nerf Gyro Strike Crossbow™ and the Nerf Rapid Fire 20™.  While the Gyro Strike features a motorized firing mechanism and a new type of ammo, the Rapid Fire 20 improves on the successful model of the Nerf WildFire™, adding the ability to easily fire micro darts one at a time, in addition to an automatic firing mode.

Some other new blasters like the Nerf SlingFire™ and the series of Nerf Secret Strike Pocket Blasters™ offer consumers a chance to "wet their feet" in the Nerf product line for a very low cost.  Both the SlingFire and the Pocket Blasters have a MSRP of less than $8.00.

Larami's plans for the Nerf product line look very promising, and consumers can only look forward to the products which the 2002 season will bring.

Larami Limited is a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc.  Larami is best known for producing its best-selling Super Soaker line of products.


Related Links:
>  NerfCenter's Previews Section
>  NC News Story: Larami Takes the Helm

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The Nerf Gyro Strike Crossbow™, one of the newest offerings from Larami. 

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