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Nerf® Power Clip™

NerfCenter News

Posted On 07/06/2000

NerfCenter Exclusive

Hasbro has released some more information about the upcoming Fall 2000 Nerf line of launchers.

The latest blaster which they revealed is the Nerf® Power Clip™ - the latest clip-firing Nerf blaster, and the answer to the wishes of many Nerfers.

Not much information is known about the Power Clip, aside from the fact that this blaster will appear in the Airjet Power Plus line of launchers.

NerfCenter will keep you informed as more information about this blaster appears.


Copyright Notice:  The names found in this article are copyright (c) Hasbro, Inc.  Please ask permission before copying the information found in this news article.

Nerf Power Clip

The latest clip blaster looks cooler than ever. 

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